Wichita's Best Family Chiropractor

At Ignite Chiropractic, we specialize in gentle, nervous system centered chiropractic care for families, infants, and pregnancy. Dr. John Dold uses Torque Release Technique which is a highly specific analysis that allows him to find the source of nervous system imbalance and correct it gently. Every single system in your body — circulatory, digestive, eliminatory, hormonal, glandular, immunological, muscular, reproductive, respiratory, and skeletal — depend on the proper function of your nervous system, so the benefits of nervous system chiropractic care are virtually endless.
In addition, Dr. John is certified in Webster Technique, a specialized analysis used during pregnancy to reduce the effects of sacral subluxations and facilitate neuro-biomechanical function of the pelvis. This can help baby assume a head-down birth position, reduce round ligament and sciatic pain, and create a state of balance in the pelvic muscles and ligaments, helping prepare the pelvis for a smoother pregnancy and birth.
How can we help your family?
From our family to yours,

As a hometown, family-owned office, we place high value on healthy families and simultaneously making sure care is affordable for families. This is why we offer specific family discount plans. Please inquire at your visit and we will be happy to give you all the details for your family.
Thank you for trusting us with your health and the health of your family; we do not take it lightly!